Some Highlights of the Reception

Vice Mayor of the City of Sarasota Mary Anne Servian congratulates our CEO Brunhilde Merker

County Commissioner David Mills and his wife Betty with our Executive Assistant Lisa King

County Commisssioner David Mills and his wife Betty congratulating our CEO Brunhilde Merker

Listening are, from left to right, County Commissioner Shannon Staub, our Intercontinental Manager Luis Garcés, Marty King, Bryan Post, Dr. Nagib Doss, Silvia El Shahawy

Dr. Mahfouz El Shahawy and wife Silvia congratulating our CEO Brunhilde Merker

Vice Mayor of Sarasota Mary Anne Servian and Vice Chairman of County Commissioners Paul Mercier, sitting
City Commissioner Lou Ann Palmer

Headcoach of Sarasota Football Club Kenneth Bauman with our President William Kanitz

Bryan Post, Intercontinental Manager Luis Garcés, in the back, Walter Sargent

From left to right, Marty King,Bryan Post, Silvia El Shahawy, Gabriel Ribeiro, Walter Sargent, sitting,
Sharon Sargent, City Commissioner Lou Ann Palmer

Marianne Janz-Wecke with son

Walter Sargent, CEO Brunhilde Merker

Dr. Nagib Doss with wife Gertrud talking with Mrs. Kanitz, Sr.