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May 15, 2005
Unique PIDC Location Code Is Critical for Guaranteeing Food Chain Security
ScoringSystem’s Web-based databank product, ScoringAg.com, has been specifically designed to provide seamless traceback and traceup of agricultural products, worldwide, from “Field-to-Fork.”
(PRWEB) May 15, 2005 -- ScoringSystem’s Web-based databank product, ScoringAg.com, has been specifically designed to provide seamless traceback and traceup of agricultural products, worldwide, from “Field-to-Fork.” At the heart of this global traceability system is PIDC – ScoringSystem’s patented unique international standard of location and property identification Premises / Property Identification Code.
Unlike the generalized ISO codes that are designed for multiple uses, PIDC is more comprehensive and inclusive, and defines all land and sea locations over the entire surface of the earth, including those areas that are not recognized or covered by the UN and other international organizations.
In today’s global marketplace, any true traceability system must include all agricultural products to provide a true chain of custody with traceback and traceup throughout. This includes: fish from lakes, rivers, and oceans around the world; poultry and hydroponics crops that may be raised in multi-story structures above ground; and wild mushrooms, truffles, and root vegetables that may be collected or harvested below ground.
With the global trade in an increasing number of products from diverse locations around the globe, all worldwide agricultural sources must be identified with their unique PIDC of origin to ensure food safety. Any complete and reliable international traceability system that is called upon to do such an important job must be based on a comprehensive location code, such as PIDC, to be effective.
Finally, protection against bio-terrorism and accidental contamination of the world’s food supply chain must also take advantage of the latest technology, as well as a Site-Specific Recordkeeping™ system and worldwide traceback – with no exemptions. Nevertheless, this Internet based system’s success is solidly based on PIDC to provide a unique worldwide location code reference for all the important links in the food supply chain.
ScoringAg.com and its cattle traceback system, featuring
Site-Specific Recordkeeping™ and PIDC location code, are one of the
many divisions of ScoringSystem, Inc., which is located in Sarasota,
Florida USA and specializes in providing solutions with mobile data,
via wireless PDAs, laptops, and Semacode-programmed Nokia mobile
phones. Whether using an RFID code or barcodes for tracking and
traceback of livestock or perishable commodities and other consumer
goods, or storing performance data for sports players,
www.ScoringSystem.com makes managing data easier, and does it in an
extremely cost effective manner.
Posted by Industrial-Manufacturing at May 15, 2005 10:47 PM