These requirements are mandated by
the FDA through the Bioterrorism Act of 2002, as
well as the EU Directive 2002/991EC and Directive
91/493/ECC, and apply to all facilities wherever
food commodities and fish/shellfish are received,
cleaned, stored, blended, processed, and
reshipped, and all associated
Operations that receive raw
agricultural commodities, and manufacture and pack
them for sale as fresh food products, are also
required to comply with these laws.
the delivery truck and its drivers have to be
recorded. These food handlers will have to keep
records of all fish/shellfish received, stored,
and shipped which is required to help prevent
natural or terrorist contamination.
wild and farm-raised fish/shellfish recordkeeping
process must be in place by June 2006 for US
operations that have 11 or more employees. After
this date, all records must be available to the
FDA as soon as possible, and no longer than 24
hours after a request is made if contamination is
tracked to a fish/shellfish handling
ScoringAg provides all necessary
records for both the FDA and EU rules for precise
location records (PIDC code) of the product with
traceability and/or traceback, which is available
in just seconds. The records requested by the FDA
may be related to the manufacture, processing,
packing, transporting, distribution, receipt,
holding, or importation of articles of food that
are maintained by, or on behalf of, an entity
subject to the recordkeeping regulation, and at
any location.
ScoringAg's Point-to-Point
Traceback system using PIDC location codes keeps
the catch ID and/or RFID number from the catch
site through the processing stage or storage, to
the transporter's log through every processing
stage, from the fishermen's net to the table, all
for just pennies per record. Each fish/shellfish
label can carry an SSI-EID number and/or barcode
corresponding to that particular item's total
history of food handlers and its hygiene quality
for the new EU Food Controls Regulation
ScoringAg.com and its traceback
and traceup system for agriculture products,
featuring Site-Specific Recordkeeping and PIDC
location codes, is one of the many divisions of
ScoringSystem, Inc. Located in Sarasota, Florida
USA, the company specializes in providing
solutions with mobile data, via wireless PDAs,
laptops, and Semacode-programmed Nokia, Siemens,
and Sony Ericsson cell phones. With the use of
RFID and barcodes for traceup and traceback of
livestock and crops, produce, fish/shellfish or
tracking transport containers or perishable meats
and other food consumer goods. http://www.scoringag.com/ makes
managing data easier - and does it in an extremely
cost effective manner from